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Ancient China for Kids

The Great Wall of China, the Terracotta Army, the Silk Road & more!

One of the most fascinating eras is Ancient China for kids.

Ancient China is one of the oldest civilisations in the world, dating back at least 4,000 years. Ancient China is famous for the Great Wall of China and the Terracotta Army, but it is also responsible for several discoveries and inventions, including paper, silk and the magnetic compass.

Chinese goods were traded with countries as far away as Europe, including the Romans and Ancient Greeks. It is a fascinating country with a rich history.

Ancient China for Kids Map
Chinese Dragon History Facts for Kids

Ancient China Facts

Chinese goods were traded with countries as far away as Europe, including the Romans and Ancient Greeks. It is a fascinating country with a rich history.

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Confucius was a very wise man who lived from 551 BC to 479 BC. He had strong moral beliefs and became a teacher and a philosopher.

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Ancient China Dynasties

Chinese rulers were called kings or emperors, and power usually passed from father to son. Each ruling family was called a dynasty.

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Ancient China Inventions

Many inventions and discoveries that we still use today can be traced back to Ancient China. These include umbrellas, kites and silk, among others.

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Ancient China for Kids: The Great Wall of China

The Ancient China Great Wall

The Great Wall of China is the world’s longest wall, over 13,000 miles (21,000 km). It was built along China’s old border from east to west to stop other people from invading from the north.

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Take a look at our

Printables about Ancient China for Kids