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History Facts for Kids


History facts for kids are a fun introduction to a new time and place in the past. Find out a range of fascinating, fun history facts for kids here, from ancient history facts like learning that pyramids were built as tombs for pharaohs in Ancient Egypt, to modern history facts like finding out that some British children were evacuated to Canada in World War 2. History facts for kids are a fantastic way to inspire a thirst for more knowledge about a subject.

World history has seen so many different civilisations come and go, all of which have influenced modern cultures in some way, including language, food, philosophy, politics, architecture and more.

Discovering History Facts for Kids

This is the place to come for world history facts for kids who love to ask questions and become history experts! Below are some interesting history facts for kids about various periods of history that will help you get started on your own quest to learn more about our past! Where in history will you start your time-travelling adventure?

Tutankhamun History Facts for Kids

Ancient Egypt Facts

Learn some top Ancient Egypt facts for kids including facts about Pyramids, Hieroglyphs and Tutankhamun!

Did you know?

The Egyptians had many cultural influences on other cultures, including Greece and Rome. For example, when Alexander the Great conquered Egypt in 332 BC, he was so impressed with Egyptian culture that he adopted many Egyptian customs and beliefs for his own.

More Ancient Egypt Facts
William Shakespeare History Facts for Kids

Elizabethan Era Facts

Learn some top Elizabethan Era facts for kids including facts about Shakespeare, the Spanish Armada and the Tower of London!

Did you know?

For 600 years there were lions, tigers and many other exotic animals kept in the Tower of London. In 1826, the animals were moved to their new home in Regent’s Park, which became London Zoo.

More Elizabethan Era Facts
World War 2 Gas Mask

WW2 Facts

Learn some top Evacuees in WW2 facts for kids including facts about dogfights, the Blitz and Morse code!

Did you know?

With the threat of air-raids over British cities, many children were evacuated to safer places in the countryside. But the evacuation of children actually started two days before war was even declared!

More WW2 History Facts
Spartan History Facts for Kids

Ancient Greece Facts

Learn some top Ancient Greece facts for kids including facts about Greek myths, democracy and the Olympic Games!

Did you know?

The ancient Olympic Games were started in 776 B.C. by the Ancient Greeks, who held them every four years for about a thousand years. They were held in honour of Zeus, who was the king of all gods and goddesses.

More Ancient Greece Facts
Wild West Cowboy History Facts for Kids

Wild West Facts

Learn some top Wild West facts for kids including facts about the gold rush, the railroad and cowboys!

Did you know?

The first gold rush began in 1849 when gold was discovered in California. The discovery sent thousands of people flocking to the region, hoping to strike it rich.

More Wild West Facts
Aztecs Sunstone History Facts for Kids

Aztec Empire Facts

Learn some top Aztec Empire facts for kids including facts about chocolate, sacrifice and temples!

Did you know?

The Aztecs were a very religious people who believed in many gods, and they built temples to honor them. They also practiced human sacrifice, believing that doing so would please the gods and bring them good fortune.

More Aztec Empire Facts
Ancient Rome Soldiers

Ancient Rome Facts

Learn some top Ancient Rome facts for kids including facts about the Colosseum, gladiators and Roman numerals!

Did you know?

The Colosseum in Rome was the largest amphitheatre ever constructed. It could hold up to 50,000 spectators at a time, and it was used for gladiatorial fights and other events.

More Ancient Rome Facts
Queen Victoria History Facts for Kids

Victorian Facts

Learn some top Victorian Era facts for kids including facts about the industrial revolution, steam-powered transport and Queen Victoria!

Did you know?

Queen Victoria became known as the “Grandmother of Europe”, because she had 9 children (and many grandchildren) who married into royal families across Europe.

More Victorian Era Facts
Viking Longship History Facts for Kids

Vikings Facts

Learn some top Vikings facts for kids including facts about longships, Norse gods and goddesses, and runes!

Did you know?

The Vikings believed in many gods and goddesses, including Thor, Odin and Freyja. The Vikings believed that when the bravest warriors died, their souls would go to Valhalla,

More Vikings Facts
Chinese Dragon History Facts for Kids

Ancient China Facts

Learn some top Ancient China facts for kids including facts about the Great Wall of China, the Terracotta Army and the Silk Road!

Did you know?

The Terracotta Army is a collection of more than 8,000 life-sized terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. The statues of warriors and horses each have unique features and poses.

More Ancient China Facts

Space Facts

Learn some top Space facts for kids including facts about the planets, the Space Race and astronomers!

Did you know?

Yuri Gagarin was the first human being to travel into outer space on 12th April 1961. He orbited Earth once before returning safely home after 108 minutes in space.

More Space Facts
Guy Fawkes Mask

Stuarts Facts

Learn some top Stuarts facts for kids including facts about the Gunpowder Plot, the Great Fire of London and the English Civil War!

Did you know?

The Great Fire of London destroyed most of the city of London. It began on 2nd September 1666 at a bakery on Pudding Lane. It took four days to burn out. The fire destroyed more than 13,000 houses!

More Stuarts Facts